Unexpected shutdown
Unexpected shutdown

ThiseventindicatesthatsomeunexpectedactivitypreventedWindowsfromshuttingdowncorrectly.Suchashutdownmightbecausedbyaninterruptioninthe ...,PresstheWindows+RkeystoopentheRundialog,typeeventvwr.msc,andpressEnter.IfpromptedbyUAC,thenclick/ ...,Checkt...

Windows 1011 Random Shutdown

Thesystemhasrebootedwithoutcleanlyshuttingdownfirst.Thiserrorcouldbecausedifthesystemstoppedresponding,crashed,orlostpower ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Event ID 41 The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down ...

This event indicates that some unexpected activity prevented Windows from shutting down correctly. Such a shutdown might be caused by an interruption in the ...

How can you find the cause of unexpected shutdown after you put your

Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog, type eventvwr.msc, and press Enter. If prompted by UAC, then click/ ...

How to find out why your PC shut down for no reason on Windows ...

Check the date, time, and reason the system shut down or restarted unexpectedly using the Event Viewer or querying the event logs with PowerShell and Command ...

How to Find the Cause of an Unexpected Shutdown on Windows 10

In this video i will show you how to find out why your PC shut down for no reason on Windows 10 and 11. Input: 41,1074,6006,6605,6008 ...

Identify Unexpected Shutdown in UC Application

This document describes how to identify an unexpected shutdown of any application on top of Cisco customized Voice Operating System (VOS).

Random shutdown : rsysadmin

First thing to check is if the PC is plugged into a power strip. I've seen it several times where the power strip has a breaker reset bottom on ...

Troubleshoot Windows server shutdowns

Microsoft Windows servers might shut down as the result of a user action or a system event. You can identify the cause by searching the Event Viewer.

Unexpected shutdown

This iPhone has experienced an unexpected shutdown because the battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak power.

Windows 1011 Random Shutdown

The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power ...

Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown

Try a memory test to rule out RAM issues. Check for BIOS updates on your motherboard manufacturer's website.


ThiseventindicatesthatsomeunexpectedactivitypreventedWindowsfromshuttingdowncorrectly.Suchashutdownmightbecausedbyaninterruptioninthe ...,PresstheWindows+RkeystoopentheRundialog,typeeventvwr.msc,andpressEnter.IfpromptedbyUAC,thenclick/ ...,Checkthedate,time,andreasonthesystemshutdownorrestartedunexpectedlyusingtheEventViewerorqueryingtheeventlogswithPowerShellandCommand ...,Inthisvideoiwillsho...